Monday, September 28, 2009

Dear Baby Cartz

Dear Baby,

These last few months have been a roller coaster - some days amazing, some days terrifying. But I needed to tell you how much you are loved, and how much I have loved every second of being pregnant with you, even when I don't love being pregnant. We don't know what you'll look like or what your personality will be, but we love you already. Daddy and I talk about you all the time, make silly plans, wonder what you'll be like, if you'll play sports, be book smart, love music, or all of the above and we can't wait to explore all that life has to offer with you. We know one thing: you will be loved like crazy and spoiled rotten. Even Uncle Mike came over this weekend and is SO excited about you...this is a big deal for Uncle Mike!

We painted your nursery this weekend. It used to be the office...and now it's the nursery and only the nursery. Daddy put so much work into that room, and I know you will love it. I cried thinking about how I can't believe how close we are to meeting you and starting all the amazing memories we will share in that little room. We are blessed to have you in our lives, little one, and you aren't even here yet. I feel so much anxiety and excitement and hope and love and pride and I haven't even gotten to hold you in my arms yet. I can only imagine the overwhelming emotions I will feel when you make your appearance, and I can.not.wait.

Love you always,


Happy Birthday Sarah!

Today is my 'little' sister's 27th birthday. Happy happy to her!

Friday, September 18, 2009

31 weeks!

Baby Cartz is still cooking at 31 weeks! 2 months to insane!

Nursery Progress: Walls are patched and sanded, minus one giant crack we still have to figure out what to do; baseboard is in; paint color & carpet selected!

Other baby stuff: Shower is in 2 weeks..that is crazy to me! My clothes don't fit, it's getting cool out and all I have is t-shirts. Does anyone want to buy me a new wardrobe? Me either... who wants to spend several hundred $$ for like 2 months worth of clothes? Ugh.

Other non-baby stuff: Poor little Jeppy hasn't been able to go to camp and see his buddies. This puppy has had more health problems... he now has canine papilloma virus, so he has these nasty growth/warty things in his mouth - which he no doubt got from another dog. And because we are responsible, we told the camp place and they said don't bring him in till the warts are gone. Well hello! Someone else brought their dog in! So poor puppy is stuck at home all day. And with C going to visit his dad so much ( finally out of the hospital after nearly 6 weeks!) and me being exhausted, there hasn't been much time to exercise him. I feel bad... I really need to make sure he gets run every day.

Next week is the Durham Fair, then the week after that is Kelly Clarkson with Amanda! So excited for both!

Oh, and the baby has a name :)