Friday, April 27, 2012

I still hate diapers...and other randomings.

But that isn't the point of this post. But if I may... I said I'd never use pull-ups, but we are. And she is treating them just like diapers instead of using them as a next step. Its awful. I hate diapers.


C & A planted seeds for our garden. We got a different seed thingy with a little plastic greenhouse top (vs the saran wrap I used last year...yeah...) and C decided it was a good idea to put it in the sun one warm day - WITH the top on. He killed 1/3 of our damn sprouts. I don't even know what they were, but our garden will be a bit smaller than expected. Well done, former landscaper husband. Well done.

So we'll have blueberries (hopefully!), maybe tomatoes, basil, peppers, zukes, watermelon...and I don't know what else.

In other earth related news.. I'm allergic to like everything. Had an allergist appointment today, and basically I should stay inside in a sterile environment. In a hypoallergenic bubble. Maple, Birch, Ragweed, Dustmites all had immediate, strong reactions. So yeah, seasonal allergies...big deal, right? Well, when coupled with Oral Allergy Syndrome, I have awesome fuzzy tongue and itchy lips when I eat strawberries, pineapple, pear, cherry, raspberry...basically any awesome fruit that I love. And it is only going to get more annoying from now on, adding more foods to the list I can't eat (or at least get a reaction to and deal with it). I blame a) Allie because it only started after having her and 2) Dad because he developed all the same allergies later in life...including an anaphalactic (sp?) reaction to Almonds, which I'm sure is not too far down the road for me. Honest to God the doc said today - 'eat & enjoy them while you can!!' Great.

But, Allie does NOT have allergies, which is good. The bad part is, we dont know why she's been sick basically since Jan 5. She's had a decent last week or so, but she's back to being congested, and I'm assuming the cough will be back by this weekend. Too bad, because we are surprising her and taking her on a ride on Thomas the Train... She loves Thomas, but we were in the mall last night and they have this dinky little train kids can ride on and she FREAKED out. Like screaming, made me pick her up, freaked. So.......Thomas could be disastrous. Maybe I'll even post a picture on this blog if I get a good one (I did after all take the class at Tunxis Community college, so I'm an expert photographer now).

We'll see how it goes! I'll be armed with Zyrtec and a helmet.