Thursday, March 25, 2010

4 months and counting!

First, let me say how horribly I suck at keeping this up to date. I was supposed to use this as a lot to remember milestones with Allie but days and weeks go by where plenty is happening but nothing is written down. Awesome. Moving on.

Alexandra turned 4 months old last week. It is truly unbelievable to me that its been 4 months since we met her... sometimes it feels like we just peed on a stick...we just found out she was a girl... we just were on our way to the hospital... but at the same time, I can't imagine life without her ever again. Some days I long for quiet, to not worry, to not have to change a poopy diaper... but I miss her every second I'm away from her, whether I'm at work, at the gym, or simply upstairs while she's downstairs. She is amazing, and changing every day. Here are some things that have happened over the last few weeks.

We have giggling. Full on laughter. Next to the first time I heard her cry, it's the most amazing sound ever. Allie's giggle will get anyone to smile - I dare someone to try and keep a straight face while she's belly laughing with her crooked little smile!

She's still not sleeping through the night, but it's usually only one feeding around 3-4 am. Not terrible, not great. I've started going to the gym early mornings (up at 5, gym by 5:30) just so I actually get there... which means C gets to do the 4am feeding. He's not thrilled, but I am!

She found her feet and loves to grab them!

She rolled over for the first time last week... I think on March 16th. I went in to get her in the morning when she was crying and there she was, on her stomach...and not happy about it! As far as I know she's only done it one other time, when E was watching her.

I was walking out the door from the garage to the back yard with her in the baby hawk carrier to go on a walk with the dog last I was leaning in to close the door, I whacked her head on it. She was not happy! The only good thing that came out of that doc's appt (ok, other than the fact that she was totally fine and I just over reacted!) was I found out a weight -- 16 lbs, 6 oz! Next week (Mar 30) we will have her 4 month appt, which means more shots (boo) but also that we find out her length. So many people have told us she looks older than 4 months. We think she's just advanced :)

We had our first two play dates last week. I met up with Danielle and her twins, Briley and Delaney last Friday to walk around the mall. It was good to have some mommy interaction, time out of the house but not at work, and good for Allie to see other babies. Then on Saturday, we went to visit our friends in Springfield, Tony & Jill, who's daughter Juliana is 3 weeks older than Allie (and they have a 4 year old son, Brennen). To us, Allie does look older. She has a bigger head, bigger ears (ha!), and was much more animated, though I think Juliana was not feeling well during our visit. That was neat to see her reaching for Juliana, holding her hand...oh yeah, and punching her in the face!

The only other news is the never ending power struggle with C's parents...well, his mother. The condensed version: we feel she's judging everything we do, questioning our parenting skills, and has gone against things we've asked her to do. She of course doesn't see it this way and says that we are insecure and nervous parents... Suffice it to say after several discussions and them showing up at out door on Sunday, E will no longer be watching Allie on Wednesdays. Which means we are going to have to cough up $ for PT daycare from here on out. Sanity and not having the stress that this whole thing has become is worth the $.

Some day I'll figure out how to post pictures on here again.. otherwise, this is a pretty damn boring blog. Oh well!

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