Thursday, September 9, 2010

She did it!

So my baby had her surgery...and did a lot better than I did. Tues. Sept 7th we went in at 6:30 am, her surgery was at 7:30 and we were already on the road home by 8:30. But the in between stuff was not fun! I went with her into the OR while she was put under - one of the scariest things ever. Her eyes were looking up at me, helpless and terrified, and all I could do was say, I love you, Mommy's right here, it's ok baby..... and hear her muffled cries under the mask. Torture. As soon as she was asleep they pushed me out of the room, and I turned to look at her one last time and she was just so tiny on that big gurney.

And I lost it.

I cried in the waiting room with C, but the doc came out less than 15 mins later and told us it all went well -- and that there as a lot of fluid in both ears, so she would hear better even that day. What a relief! We were *mostly* confident in our decision, but that helped us know we made the right choice to do the surgery now, when she was so young.

We went to see her in recovery, and she was so small we both overlooked her bed, thinking it was just a pile of blankets or sheets waiting to be changed..... She woke up unhappy, crying, scared, and confused, but drank some apple juice (she wasn't eating much over the weekend, and hadn't had a bottle or anything to drink since 7:30 the night before - this was over 12 hours later) and calmed down by the time we were ready to go. She just needed some cuddles!

She fell asleep in the car on the way home, and slept for about 2 hours....and was back to her normal, happy, giggling self right away. A little bloody discharge is still coming out of the ears, but overall she's doing great. Tylenol is our friend --- as soon as it wears off, she's reaching for the ears and whining a bit, but hopefully she'll feel no discomfort in a day or so.

So, great success! :) And PHEW -- what a relief!

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