Thursday, February 10, 2011


Yeah, so I'm an awful blogger. Not like anyone reads this, but I'm supposed to be using it as a journal of sorts so I don't forget things... like the great snow ridiculousness of sister's wedding in 9 days, in which A is the (most adorable evah) flower I can't lose weight to save my work is finally picking up & I don't hate it as my mom has been wicked sick & no longer takes care of A, so we have to put her in daycare full time (but for now my cousin Sue is helping 2 days a week) A dances up a storm, march march marches, is the best cuddler ever, blows kisses like crazy, plays peek-a-boo like she invented it, says mama, dada, Jethro, bottle & purple (well, sorta...), puts things in a box & takes them out, loves to 'read' her books & will even sit in your lap & give you one to read to her... all these fun milestones that I'm supposed to be recording but am not. because I suck.

And how I don't have cancer. I never wrote about it in detail, but I went through lots and lots of tests, including PET scans & a bone marrow biopsy, all because of dumb enlarged lymph nodes that are out of reach for normal biopsies, only to be told it's not cancer, it's probably just your Sjogren's Syndrome. Really? You couldn't have told me that before? Didn't think to mention that they're related and it's MUCH more likely that the lymph node adenopathy is due to SS instead of the big C? My gray hairs thank you for their early arrival.

Oh well. There, I updated my blog :)

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