Friday, March 30, 2012

I hate diapers

We've entered Potty Training Hell. A did SO great for a couple weeks. Then she got super sick and had to stay home for a week. With constant attention (my mom watched in the mornings, then the ILs relieved her in the afternoons), she had very few accidents because she could be asked every 5 seconds if she had to go and rushed to the bathroom when she said yes. Once she got back to daycare it was all downhill. Accidents every day, and the poor kid still will.not.poop in the toilet. She's like scared and embarrassed by it.

I really thought we were done with diapers. Ok, I am done with diapers. But I have to admit that A isn't... she has regressed, and we're going to keep her in diaps for a little longer till she is truly ready. She hates wearing diapers, so hopefully that'll be the impetus for her, but we'll see. Also, we're putting up her big girl bed this BABY is getting a real bed... so we'll play that up too. Bribery is also on the table. Not surprisingly, my kid loves chocolate, so she gets a sticker and m&ms for the bribe prizes when she pees, and we have a basket of real prizes (um, dollar store stuff) for if she ever poops on the potty.

I hate diapers. But I also hate how expensive undies are, and with daycare throwing out undies with poop in them, I can't afford that anymore than I can keep buying diapers.

So, that's where we are with potty training. Back to square one.

Done with Whole30!

I did it! 30 days of gluten, soy, dairy, sugar, preservative and pretty much everything else- free eating. Lost 11 lbs, slept like a baby, no headaches, stomach relatively normal (for me)... It was pretty awesome. Lot of prep work on Sundays and planning for every meal and snack was time consuming, but it wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. I ate new things I'd never tried, esp since I so rarely eat red meat and I had no choice but to re-introduce it. I didn't miss cheese like I thought I would...I missed carbs & chocolate though. So Wed morning, day 31, I had a blueberry muffin, and had some mini eggs at night. Sad and pathetic, I know. Oh well!

I learned a lot... I always read the labels for calories/fat/protein/carbs/fiber, but never really the ingredients. Holy hell do they put a lot of crap in stuff that it has no being in. I don't understand it! So I will surely eat better and cleaner than before, and with more knowledge behind my decisions. I think the headache free month was the most enlightening part...that is a miracle for me, and I know it's because I didn't have all the junk in my system. I also now know how badly gluten affects my as much as I can, I'm cutting out breads, cereals, pastas, crackers, etc. I'm not going to hate myself if I eat it, but I'm going to give myself better choices moving forward. As for dairy... I always knew it messed with me, so other than chocolate (which I proclaim a NON dairy my own world...) and the occasional ice cream or frozen yogurt, I'll be dairy free I think.

So, a new leaf has been turned. For now :)

Thursday, March 8, 2012

I need to make this blog more interesting...

So, Jess of Soul Sistahs opened my eyes to the fact that she has people from all over the world viewing her blog. I may be her only follower, but I never even knew I could track who saw what I wrote.  Um, Indonesia, Ukraine, Slovenia, Netherlands....Really?? This is an amazing thing...but also pathetic because no one reads this. On the one hand, I don't care - this is mostly a journal for me and for A down the road. But on the other, sometimes I have funny shit to say (well, I think I'm funny...) and I don't usually blog it because no one reads it. So there's my one reads me because I don't say anything pertinent or funny to anyone else, but I don't really write everything I think about or frequently enough to make a difference in my viewership.

So maybe I'll turn over a new leaf and write more often, more detailed, and more random crap. Like about my annoying coworkers...and the Whole30 cleanse/jumpstart diet I'm on right now...and Jethro getting bit at camp, my poor baby boy...and Allie still pooping in her pants... I have endless things to write about, though not endless time to write. So, there may be an influx of posts coming from Cartzy soon. or, more likely, I'll forget about this new found motivation and come back in a month for another 'sorry i'm a crappy mommy/blogger/journaler' update type post. Yeah, that's probably what will happen. But it's a good thought...