Wednesday, March 23, 2011

One of those days.....

I'm a crying, blubbery mess today.

I'm frustrated with A's daycare because I feel like her main teacher doesn't like her - she always tells me what A has done 'wrong' that day, and never any positives. And she sounds like A is the first child to ever push another.... She is the YOUNGEST in the class by several months. Can you imagine how frustrating it must be to not be able to communicate your needs? She's doing better verbally, but she's not up to where the other kids are, and I think because she is so tall, people forget that she's still a baby. MY baby. It makes me angry. It makes me sad. And it shouldn't, but it makes me feel like my baby is doing something wrong.

Then today I didn't unplug the toaster. I don't remember if I unplugged the iron. And the crockpot is going, so there's one MORE fire risk. And Jethro is home, so that increases my fears even more.... I would never forgive myself! Ugh, I'm seriously ridiculous today, and I know it. I need a mental health day.

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