Monday, March 21, 2011

My daughter has an accent.

And I think it's hysterical. She doesn't really say long vowels yet, so when she says hi and bye, she sounds like a southern belle. haaah, baah baaah.. SO cute. If I do say so myself.

And remember all the words? Tack on No. Thanks, Daycare. Yep, as hard as I tried not to use it frequently and to ignore her when she started to say it here and there, it's her new fave. Accompanied, of course, with a whap - she loves to hit. The best part? She says it like a french woman - Nuh, sorta, with an elongated "n" sound. This morning she woke up and the first things out of her mouth to me were "no" and then "Mo Mo". I just laughed... I said, 'Really, babe? The first thing you think of in the morning is Elmo??' haha. Seriously. Can my kid get any more adorable? Just you wait, I'm sure she'll do something else I think is the greatest thing ever in a few days. And you'll agree. Because it's true.

Back in the real world...

C is travelling this week, so it's me, the pup & the babe on our own. We'll manage. It's a lot of work and I feel bad that J won't get to go to camp at all...if it's nice out, I'll try to get out with them for walks... but it's snow-raining today (welcome, Spring), and I think it's gonna be really cold all week. However... I slept amazingly last night. Sorry, C. But without you snoring, groaning, coughing, pulling covers, causing an earthquake when you roll over, kicking/punching me, I do just fine. I thought I'd take over his side of the bed, but I stayed in one spot all night  hardly moved at all. I woke up and saw the clock at about 5:45 -- over  hours of uninterrupted sleep! I felt refreshed for the first time in a LONG time this morning when I got up at 6:30 for good. Of course, it helps that A slept through the night...or at least I didn't hear her if she woke up!

I do miss the hubs though. This is his longest trip, and longest time away from A... He misses her a ton. So last night after dinner, we made finger paintings for him, and I'm sending them to his hotel for a little surprise gift. He'll love 'em! Sometimes I'm a good wifey. Sometimes.

In other are BOOKED! We're going on 2 this year, and I couldn't be more excited. Ok, I could, if we were going somewhere tropical, but we decided to go the money-saving route this time.. Not that they are cheapo vacations, but Maine & Williamsburg await, and I'm so grateful that we have two breaks to look forward to! I seriously can't wait... and C needs it more than I do before he goes nuts. That's a whole nother story!

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