Monday, February 6, 2012

I'm an awful blogger.

Wow. November 2011 seems like a million years ago. Oops. I don't have much of an exciting life, but I'm sure I could have found things to write about...
Yes, Aunt Carol passed away.
My best friend Apryl started working with me - like at WORK work. It's pretty awesome.
A turned 2 years old, and we had a Nemo party for her.
I made peppermint bark & hot chocolate mix for people for Christmas gifts.
I got my first Uggs for Christmas.
A actually enjoyed Christmas this year.
She also then had her tonsils & adenoids out on Dec. 27th. That was fun.
She's talking up a storm, full sentences, and is adorable. She sings her ABCs..sorta.. twinkle...sorta.. itsy bitsy spider..sorta. Hilariously entertaining, but also shows how smart she is!
She also may be getting bullied by one girl at school...there are incident reports every week, and A is also the offender at times, but more often than not, it's A who comes home with a scratch on her face, bitemarks, etc. Not quite sure what to do about it...
I just turned 29.3 last week. A sang to me and it was amazing. I also refuse to tell anyone I'm 32. I don't have a reason, I'm not scared that I'm old and dying or something... I just like to think of myself as 29 instead.

I will try to post more - if for nothing else than to have some sort of record for Alexandra... I really should be better about it!

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