Monday, August 3, 2009


She is hiccuping! (Hiccoughing? I never know how to spell it). And it is so weird, cute, cool and just amazing! Tons and tons of movement every day with her kicking and punching and rolling around... and you can see my stomach move now when she kicks. You can't see a defined foot or a hand yet, but you can see movement for sure!

I'm 24 weeks, 3 days - technically she is viable if I were to deliver now, but let's hang on a little longer, little one.

Nursery progress - cabinets & the 'backsplash' of the desk are out. Desk and lower drawers are still in, but hopefully this week they'll be out. Now the walls...that's a whole other story. Holes beneath the cabinets are the size of a fist for the under-cabinet lighting wiring - through the plaster, through the slats behind the plaster... lovely. And when we took the backsplash out, the glue stuck in a bunch of places (it was really glued down!) and we made a couple more holes last night. Oh well... we'll learn how to patch with plaster!!

In Jen & Chris news -- we are trying to plan a vacation. Just a mini get away for before the baby comes - I have enough miles to fly us somewhere free, and Chris has points on a visa card for a hotel for 1 or 2 nights for free too! That will hopefully be planned this week, for the end of the month.

In just Jen news -- I can't wait for a girls' weekend with Lisa & Heather. I'm sure I'll be tired and sore after walking through NYC for 2 days, but it's totally worth it to get away and have some girl time! So excited! And now I have to get back to I can afford all these things!

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