Wednesday, April 15, 2009

A picture says 1,000 words

I brought the u/s picture to my parents' house yesterday... Mom said it was the cutest little blob she's ever seen! C is showing his parents tonight, and I know they will be excited. He finally told them about my health concerns and that I'm considered High Risk b/c of the Sjogren's...we've kept quiet because we never had an answer and didn't want to worry them, but now they are worried. We sent them the link to look through and I got a concerned (but very supportive) email this morning...I don't really know what to tell them to calm their fears...I'm nervous, too!

Jethro has been a PITA lately. He has these moods where he goes absolutely nuts - in attack mode, barking, jumping, with teet beared... Its weird, and definitely not going to fly when I'm more pregnant - let alone when I have a baby in my arms. Puppy kindergarten is over next week and we may just invest in some additional training for him... Still cute, but worrisome. And he's not sleeping through the night. Michelle the hippie trainer lady said to tie him to the bed (like tether him with the leash) and not let him up to pee in the middle of the night. So we're trying that...he made it till 4am the first night and all the way till C's alarm went off at 5:30 this morning! He did whine a little, but he didn't pee and didn't bark, so it's a start!

Here's hoping for many more full nights of sleep before Baby Cartz gets here!

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