Wednesday, August 18, 2010

9 months in, 9 months out!

Um, how is it possible that Allie is 9 months old today? Didn't I just find out I was pregnant? Scratch that...didn't I just get married? The great "they" warn that it flies by, but I had no idea it would go this fast. I went from a squirmy chicken-ass little nugget to an off-the-charts nearly toddler who stands up, giggles, recognizes her name and her puppy, eats table food, and says DaDa and BaBa in the blink of an eye. I hope I never forget a second of this time...

As reality hits me just how quickly she's growing up, I know I need to drink in every second of love and bliss with my baby. Her beautiful eyes, lips, cheeks (both sets!) and smile......her contagious giggle......her instant recognition and reach for me....... soft cuddles as she gets sleepy..... the way she still holds my fingers..... her obsession with her BFF Jethro....her ability to learn new things so quickly, from eating with her hands, to drinking with a sippy cup, to taking steps in her PNP, to playing with new toys......  every moment with her is a gift, and I hope the amazing love and pride I feel for her today, and the joy she instills in my heart, just purely by existing, never, ever fade.

Happy 9 months, Sweet Angel. Don't grow up too fast... Daddy and Mommy selfishly need their baby to stay little for just a bit longer...

Here's my baby at the park yesterday, loving the swing. If I could upload the video of her giggling hysterically from my crappy phone (yes, I still have a regular cell phone, no smart phone for me!), I would..but these will have to suffice for now!

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